Today I am sharing with you the most delicious muffin recipe and it truly does taste like carrot cake. I have never iced them but I am sure it would taste extra amazing with a cream cheese icing. The recipe comes out of a book called “The Muffin Bible” and is the most made recipe from it. There are
Pecan Nut Pie
This is another recipe from the book my mom-in-law made for Neil. We all know that pecan nuts are not cheap but for 1 ½ cups of pecan nuts you can make 3 pecan nut pies (medium sized foil plates) or 33 small tartlets which is very good. Pastry ½ cup sugar 125g margarine 1 egg
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Lynn Bedford Hall’s : One Bowl Orange Loaf Cake
Here is another fabulous recipe from my very favourite recipe book “Best of Cooking in South Africa” by Lynn Bedford Hall. I wasn’t going to blog this recipe but a follower on Twitter requested it so this blog post is especially for Stephanie @stefeg79 One Bowl Orange Loaf Cake 500ml flour 200ml castor sugar 10ml baking powder 1ml salt 125ml
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Lynn Bedford Hall’s Coffee Cake
I have wanted to make a coffee cake for quite some time now and yesterday was the day I finally made it. The first book I looked in and my favourite and most used recipe book had a recipe for coffee cake. Neil and I are coming up for our 21st wedding anniversary in August this year and we received
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Neill Anthony’s Roasted Tomato Soup
I have been watching Neill Anthony Private Chef on SABC 3 Sunday’s at 4:30pm from the first episode and really enjoying the way the program is filmed, the locations of the meals (those houses and kitchens!) and of course the food. Neill Anthony is running a competition on his Facebook page in conjunction with Wellness Warehouse. You need
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Baking Series : Malva Pudding
This recipe is very special to me as it was served at our wedding reception over 20 years ago. Neil and I were married in the Lutheran Church in Assagay Hillcrest and our reception was at the Valley View Restaurant (which is now called Intaba View). I can’t remember the name of the guy that owned the restaurant
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Baking Series : Lemon Yoghurt Cake
It is part 5 of my baking series and today I am going to give you the recipe for Lemon Yoghurt Cake. The recipe came from on Facebook and I have made it 4 times. 125ml plain yoghurt 250ml caster sugar 2 eggs 10ml vanilla essence 125ml oil 375ml self-raising flour Lemon zest Pre-heat oven to 180C. Mix together the yoghurt, oil,
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Baking Series : Milk Tart
As I said on the Lemon Meringue post I would not be using the other pastry base for another lemon meringue. Nooooo this pastry base would be filled with our family’s other favourite treat – Milk Tart!! My daughter can even make this. You truly are set for almost instant sweet treats if you keep a pastry base or
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Baking Series : Lemon Meringue Pie
This recipe is one of my husband’s favourite and he would eat it all the time if he could. When I married Neil he had a homemade recipe book from his Mother and this was one of the recipes inside. Firstly you need to make the pastry base for the lemon meringue. 113g margarine 2 Tablespoons sugar 2 Tablespoons oil 1 egg