
Hello!! My name is Nicola and I am a Mom to two kids. Caleb is 15 and Laura is 12. I have been happily married for 19 years (and counting) to Neil. We have 3 pets – 2 dogs and a very spoilt cat.

I am a home executive and I do the cleaning, washing and ironing myself (yuk). One morning a week I head into the office to do job costing.

I love crafting, sewing and I love a bargain.  Especially love to visit charity shops to find and buy items that have been chucked out. Thrilled when I discover Corningware (Blue Cornflower pattern).

As you can see this is my first post and I am trying to think of things to say and how to word it.

I have no idea how to properly lay out this blog –  probably will have to ask someone who knows.

Until next time!

Author: Nicola Meyer

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